Consulting Services
All services are confidential and SGC will request to work under NDA. SGC holds all information about your products, portfolios and strategies and related data in the strictest of confidence.

The full context of a game development project's scope, budget and schedule are considered in all SGC engagements and any recommendation takes these into account.
Consulting Services
You have questions. You have data. SGC will guide you through how to get the most out of your data so you get insightful, meaningful answers.
Typical services:
  • Client data integration and reporting from disparate sources
  • Online game performance tracking and analysis
  • F2P analytics, forecasting and modeling
  • General data science challenges focusing on games
SGC Accessibility Assessment
While review scores and perceived game quality are frequently used to help forecast game sales, they are often very unreliable and too many games defy rules that regression and other quantitative analyses would dictate. The one true forecaster of game sales that has no historically good measure is accessibility.

Accessibility is the likelihood of a consumer enjoying a game. This means that a game must penetrate all the layers of consumer and market activities that keep a game from being purchased and enjoyed. Games with higher accessibility sell more than games with lower accessibility. While this definition is simple on the surface, it is highly complex metric composed of many qualitative, technological and creative factors both internal and external to the game itself that vary by genre, platform, brand and even release window. In other words:

Assessing a game's accessibility is both an art and science.

Strategic Game Consulting can help you find your game's true accessibility factors and create a plan to maximize them with an SGC Accessibility Assessment.

Here's what you can expect from the typical SGC Accessibility Assessment:
  • Forward looking Genre / Category analysis and competitive landscape overview of future game releases
  • Analysis of how your game's story, gameplay and presentation will impact its accessibility
  • Specific recommendations to increase accessibility (and thus sales)
Are you ready to take your game to the next level?
Producing results in the games industry can be particularly challenging given the nature of developing experiential products. Competing pressures from creative, technical and business stakeholders often lead to diverging perspectives that can impede progress and delay or reduce results. Finding and maintaining authentic alignment is the key to producing meaningful results.

To help individuals and teams deliver their best, SGC offers customized alignment solutions including:

Executive Coaching
SGC provides executive coaching designed to help professionals find balance, feel greater satisfaction and produce the results they want by:
  • Helping them identify core values and goals
  • Giving them access to their hidden beliefs, thoughts and experiences that hold them back
  • Partnering with them to make the future they want a reality
  • Find new ways to align and work effectively with key stakeholders
SGC provides focus, energy provocative inquiry to every coaching interaction so that clients gain insight into how their attitudes and actions shape their results. Clients’ development and goals are at the heart of SGC's coaching practice.
Product and Team Alignment Facilitation
  • How do you have that tough conversation with your developer?
  • What if your publisher "just doesn't get it?"
  • How can you help the marketing director and creative director see eye to eye?
  • What if the programmers are headed in the complete opposite direction of the designers?
  • The agency isn't delivering. Are they to blame or are we not being clear? How do we fix it?
How do you truly get different stakeholders on the same page so you can all come in for the big win?

Consider the hidden costs of not being aligned. How much rework, false starts, direction changes and iterations can your budget allow for? With ever increasing development and marketing costs you cannot afford for your key stakeholders and team members to be misaligned.

Sometimes it takes a little outside help to get everyone on the same page and executing like the true high performers you know they can be. Product and Team Alignment Facilitation will help you take your performance and results to the next level.
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